Questions to Ask Yourself Before Getting a Dog

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Having a dog has taught me more about faithful friendships and unconditional love than anything else. Dogs love you just the way you are, not to mention they are the most patient friends in the whole, wide world. But before you adopt, consider if that’s really what you (and they) need and if you can handle all situations that come with owning a dog.

First of all, are you able to answer three basic questions?

# 1 – Do I have the time?

Dogs are social animals and need your quality time. If your lifestyle involves spending more than 8 hours in the office, then a dog is probably not for you. On the other hand, if you are looking for an excuse to spend more time outdoors, doing activities, jogging or hiking, then a dog may actually be the perfect companion for you. Sometimes you just need to have a regular, well thought routine that a dog can adapt to, like waking up early and going for a walk every morning! Then you can build your new habits around it.

Important note: Count on at least 3 daily walks (15-30 minutes) and also about 1-2 hours playtime. Plus time for feeding, cuddling, treats and cleaning or tidying stuff up.

# 2 – Do I the have space?

If you live in an apartment, get permission from the landlord before bringing one in. If you have an outdoor space, it’s important to check for toxic plants or if there is anything which may harm your dog.

Always do your research! To have a 133 lb St. Bernard in a studio apartment or a Border Collie who needs tasks and a lot of exercise daily, so if you don’t have the time… the English use to say “no sheep? no Collie”. Also don’t forget: even dogs that have a garden or yard should walk every day, to use up their energy, strengthen their sociability and widen their territorial horizons.

# 3- Can I afford it?

It is important for you to know, that most of the time the amount of money a dog costs monthly may be proportional to the size of the dog (larger quantities of food, treatments, bathing, etc.).

As for healthcare, higher expenses tend to occur in the first year of life (the first vaccines, microchip, sterilization), and then tend to stabilize with normal preventive care costs. That is, of course, unless your dog has a chronic illness and you have to account for that. Costs often raise in old age with some geriatric ailments coming along. You should also check breed predisposition to certain diseases or special care with fur or other issues that may overwhelm you with unexpected costs.

Adopting a dog means you get a friend for life. They are the most loyal companions, understanding and dedicated, and best partners when it comes to adventures. They will love you unconditionally and give you insane welcomes when you get home no matter how long you’ve been away (even 5 minutes). They recognize when you are sick and lick your tears when you cry and always sit at your lap when the only thing you need is a hug. Your dog will be another element of your family, sharing your routine; so, when it comes to walks or exercises, include him! Also, though they may misbehave sometimes, be patient, and spend time educating and training him. Provide him a balanced diet, access to better healthcare, and, of course, play with him whenever you can. It will make both of you feel better.

These are just some of the highlights of your near future after adopting a dog, so be prepared, your whole life will change and it will be a ton of fun.

Author: Petable Team

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